Menopause – Symptoms and Treatment
Every female has her menses starting from her early teen years, lasting till up to for next 35-40 years. The stopping of periods or menses is known as menopause. If the menstruation process has been stopped for more than 12 months, the woman is said to be in menopause. This is a natural process and happens in every female. Some of the females can face early menopause due to some underlying conditions or due to any sorts of pelvic or ovarian damage. However, several females may face certain complications before and after menopause. During such times, one might need to contact their doctor. Symptoms: · Hot Flashes · Night Sweats · Vaginal Dryness · Sleep disturbances · Anxiety · Depression Treatment: Menopause is not a curable state of the human body. However, the above mentioned symptoms...