What are The Female Infertility Causes and Symptoms?
Getting pregnant and bringing a pregnancy to term are both challenging tasks. There are several factors that may go wrong throughout these procedures, resulting in infertility. As a result, the following list only contains a few of the most prevalent Causes of Infertility in Women ; it is not intended to be comprehensive. If a woman is experiencing trouble conceiving or bringing a pregnancy to term, she should speak with her doctor about treatment options. Medical definition of female infertility Infertility is a condition in which a woman's capacity to conceive and give birth to a child is hampered or hindered in some manner. This is commonly identified after a year of attempting to get pregnant for heterosexual couples (man and woman) (but maybe diagnosed sooner depending on other factors). One-third of infertility cases in heterosexual couples are caused by male issues, one-third by female issues, and one-third by a mix of factors or unknown causes. Female infertility, often...