What is preterm labour?
When a pregnant woman feels contractions before giving birth to the child, she is supposed to be into labor. When this process starts before the completion of the 37th week of pregnancy, it is termed as preterm labor.
Usually, the causes are unknown in most women. However, a few which can be shortlisted are:
Vaginal bleeding
Hormone changes
Stretching of the uterus. This might be from being pregnant with more than 1 baby, a large baby, or too much amniotic fluid.
Who is at risk for preterm labour?
Women who fall under the following category are at risk of preterm labor:
Being under 20 years or over 35 years old
Long-term illness such as heart disease or kidney disease
Using illegal drugs such as cocaine
Abnormally shaped uterus
Cervix not able to stay closed
Having a preterm birth in the past
Being African American
Placenta that separates from the uterus early
Placenta in an abnormal position
Placenta that does not work as well as it should
Early breaking of the sac around the baby (premature rupture of membranes)
Birth defects in the baby
Problems with fetal growth
More than 1 baby in the womb
What are the symptoms of preterm labor?
Some of the most common symptoms of preterm labor are:
Tightening of the uterus (contractions), especially more than 4 in 1 hour
Menstrual-type cramps
Pressure in the lower belly
Change in the type or amount of vaginal discharge. This might be blood, mucus, or watery fluid.
Gush of fluid from the vagina
If you feel any of the above-mentioned symptoms contact your doctor at the earliest.
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