Folic Acid - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects


Folic Acid is used by the human body to create new cells. Thus it is a vital ingredient before and during pregnancy. When a fetus is developing inside the womb, folic acid helps in preventing major birth defects like anencephaly (brain defect) and spina bifida (spinal defect). With such an important element needed for the development of a baby, there are several questions like when to start taking folic acid, what is the standard dose amount, can it be started without a doctor’s recommendation etc.

To find answers to these and many other such questions, we had a discussion with Dr Suyesha Khanijao,  from Angel’s Hope Clinic, Saket.

Q) What is folic acid used for?

  1. Folic Acid is a vital ingredient required during the development of a fetus in a woman. Folic acid helps in creating new cells, thus is equally important for growing kids too.

Q) When must the females start taking folic acid?

  1. As soon as a woman starts thinking about conceiving, she must start taking folic acid.

Q) What is the standard dose amount?

  1. Best gynaecologists across the world recommend 400 micrograms of folic acid as the standard dosage for every woman.

Q) Are there any side effects if it gets overdosed?

  1. It is observed that doses up to 5 mg per day are safe. However, in several cases doses more than 1 mg per day have  shown some side effects. These side effects include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, rashes and in some cases sleep disorders, confusion and irritability. Some cases have also complained of nausea and upset stomach along with or without gastritis. Though, none of the above side effects are too dangerous, yet they must be immediately informed to the obstetrician.

Q) Can unmarried girls too take folic acid?

  1. Every woman aged 19 and above can take folic acid as it is one of the vital supplements for the human body. In fact it is recommended to spread the awareness as lack of proper folic acid intake leads to high risk of folate deficiency which may risk you towards megaloblastic anemia, gradually becoming a cause of infertility.

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