Vaginoplasty - A Boon For Happier Life!
Discussing a very less spoken about topic, Vaginoplasty, Dr Suyesha Khanijao, gynaecologist and obstetrician at Angel’s Hope Clinic, New Delhi, answered a few basic questions on one of the most needed kinds of genitoplasty among women.
Q) What is Vaginoplasty?
A) Vaginoplasty is the procedure of recreating the female genital parts. A woman’s vagina goes through several changes throughout her life. Several hormonal changes can sometimes make it feel tighter than the other days, especially during menstruation. Vaginoplasty entails several surgeries to improve the shape, size, and/or function of the vaginal area among females.
Q) Who needs to undergo vaginoplasty?
A) Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery is recommended for any woman who suffers from discomfort and embarrassment due to excess vaginal tissues. Also, several transgender and nonbinary people who are looking for getting gender confirmation can contact a gynaecologist to get constructed a vaginal cavity between the rectum and the urethra. The penile tissues are used to create the vagina, which has the depth and appearance of the normal vagina.
Q) Is the procedure the same for every patient?
A) Vaginoplasty includes clitoral hood reduction, labiaplasty, labia majoraplasty, monsplasty, and vaginoplasty. The kind of surgery varies from patient to patient.
Q) Is the procedure very long and tiring?
A) Surgery is not a very long procedure. It may last from between two hours to five hours. The recovery, though, in some patients, may take up to 4 weeks.
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