
What are The Female Infertility Causes and Symptoms?

  Getting pregnant and bringing a pregnancy to term are both challenging tasks. There are several factors that may go wrong throughout these procedures, resulting in infertility. As a result, the following list only contains a few of the most prevalent Causes of Infertility in Women ; it is not intended to be comprehensive. If a woman is experiencing trouble conceiving or bringing a pregnancy to term, she should speak with her doctor about treatment options. Medical definition of female infertility Infertility is a condition in which a woman's capacity to conceive and give birth to a child is hampered or hindered in some manner. This is commonly identified after a year of attempting to get pregnant for heterosexual couples (man and woman) (but maybe diagnosed sooner depending on other factors). One-third of infertility cases in heterosexual couples are caused by male issues, one-third by female issues, and one-third by a mix of factors or unknown causes. Female infertility, often...

Explanation Behind Best Female Infertility Treatment in Delhi At Affordable Fees

Female Infertility is a medical condition in which a woman is not able to conceive naturally and give birth to a child is hampered or hindered in some manner. This is identified after a year of attempting to get pregnant by continual intercourse. One-third of infertility cases in heterosexual couples are caused by male issues, one-third by female issues, and the rest can be attributed to unknown factors not defined accurately. Female infertility, often known as "female factor" infertility, occurs when the reason of infertility is discovered to be the female spouse. Infertility is a very prevalent concern. At least 10% of women struggle with infertility in some way. As a woman gets older, her chances of being infertile rise. All infertility problems doesn't mean that you cannot have your own baby. Fertility can be improved by diagnosing and treatment at the best female infertility treatment in Delhi giving you a genuine hope to start your own family. What factors contribu...

Best Gynecologist Doctor in South Delhi at Affordable Fee

 Does your little girl frequently whine of pelvic torment or vaginal issues at an early age? Visiting a best gynecologist in South Delhi can take care of your concern. Puberty is a period of both confusion and disclosure and guardians should be benevolent, delicate and learned to assist their girls with dealing with this lovely period of their lives with no trouble at all. Be that as it may, as the platitude goes, 'everything has an adverse consequence', and youth is the same. Here are some normal gynecological issues that a young lady faces while managing the adolescence period of her life. Women have had a different contribution in India. The contribution and sacrifice of ancient women in India for the country is not found anywhere else in the world. Today ladies involve over half of the human asset in India. From directors, educators, chiefs to overseers and heads of the state driving the country, there are ladies. Their devotion and execution is unrivaled for any species. ...

Folic Acid - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

  Folic Acid is used by the human body to create new cells. Thus it is a vital ingredient before and during pregnancy . When a fetus is developing inside the womb, folic acid helps in preventing major birth defects like anencephaly (brain defect) and spina bifida (spinal defect). With such an important element needed for the development of a baby, there are several questions like when to start taking folic acid, what is the standard dose amount, can it be started without a doctor’s recommendation etc. To find answers to these and many other such questions, we had a discussion with Dr Suyesha Khanijao,  from Angel’s Hope Clinic, Saket. Q) What is folic acid used for? Folic Acid is a vital ingredient required during the development of a fetus in a woman. Folic acid helps in creating new cells, thus is equally important for growing kids too. Q) When must the females start taking folic acid? As soon as a woman starts thinking about conceiving, she must start taking folic acid. Q) ...

Vaginoplasty - A Boon For Happier Life!

  Discussing a very less spoken about topic, Vaginoplasty , Dr Suyesha Khanijao, gynaecologist and obstetrician at Angel’s Hope Clinic, New Delhi, answered a few basic questions on one of the most needed kinds of genitoplasty among women. Q) What is Vaginoplasty? A) Vaginoplasty is the procedure of recreating the female genital parts . A woman’s vagina goes through several changes throughout her life. Several hormonal changes can sometimes make it feel tighter than the other days, especially during menstruation. Vaginoplasty entails several surgeries to improve the shape, size, and/or function of the vaginal area among females. Q) Who needs to undergo vaginoplasty? A) Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery is recommended for any woman who suffers from discomfort and embarrassment due to excess vaginal tissues. Also, several transgender and nonbinary people who are looking for getting gender confirmation can contact a gynaecologist to get constructed a vaginal cavity betwe...

Cycling - A Boon for Women in Disguise!

Dr Suyesha Khanijao, a famous gynaecologist and obstetrician, from Angel’s Hope Clinic, New Delhi, had been vocal not only on all kinds of female problems but also on different topics related to Covid-19. Recently, she shared how cycling, one of the easiest sports, can help women not only in maintaining their weight issues, but also help to ease pain in different problems. Here is an excerpt from the conversation. We are quite aware of the numerous benefits of cycling. But are there certain specific benefits from cycling for women? Cycling is a sport that is very easy for everyone to learn and use continuously. Riding on a bicycle when you roam around going to the local stores, parks, or schools and or to work, you gradually improve your health in a tireless way. Cycling is a fun and low impact form of exercise for people of all ages and gender. Regular cycling helps increase blood flow and helps protect your body against several dangerous diseases like depression, obesity, arthritis...

Menopause – Symptoms and Treatment

 Every female has her menses starting from her early teen years, lasting till up to for next 35-40 years. The stopping of periods or menses is known as menopause. If the menstruation process has been stopped for more than 12 months, the woman is said to be in menopause. This is a natural process and happens in every female. Some of the females can face early menopause due to some underlying conditions or due to any sorts of pelvic or ovarian damage. However, several females may face certain complications before and after menopause. During such times, one might need to contact their doctor. Symptoms: ·         Hot Flashes ·         Night Sweats ·         Vaginal Dryness ·         Sleep disturbances ·         Anxiety ·         Depression Treatment: Menopause is not a curable state of the human body. However, the above mentioned symptoms...